Spine, Head, Eye & Eyelids

We are now in the final stages of building this basic rig. As you can see, I now have the limbs created and rigged on both sides of the character.

We have full foot control, including the foot bank and the foot roll plus both arms rigged and ready to go.

What we need to do now is create a #spine rig and connect the limbs to it, in addition to this we also need some basic controls for the head, eyes and jaw.

Now remember that the idea behind these initial videos is to get you up to speed with the very fundamentals of rig creation. Yes, this rig is very basic and when we come to attach the model to it and paint the skin weights in the next video, you will start to see some of its limitations.

We will however address these in future videos.


Skin Weights, Painting & Editing


Reverse Foot